Here is some feedback from those with whom I've had the privilege of working:
I met Sean at a crucial point in my life. I felt a lot of unrest and emptiness, partied a lot and led a pretty destructive lifestyle at the time. So meeting Sean really came as a blessing from the universe for which I'm forever grateful. He saw a light inside of me which I had been unable to see and helped me to get to know my Self, to reconnect to my true nature. He taught me some breathing techniques, initiated me in Reiki, and gave me ideas on where to go and what to seek and do with my life. He brought me on my spiritual path, and now 3 years later my life is nothing like it used to be. I feel so alive, conscious, present and at peace. Recently I went to a sharing circle and we were invited to talk about a life changing event. I told the group how I met Sean. Meeting Sean has been a true blessing for me, and I'm sure it has been and will be for many other fortunate people. Thank you for being, my dear Sean. All the best for your work of love and light. AHO! Love:) -Maria, Germany
I have known Sean for about 10 years, and have had the wonderful opportunity of being his mentor, his student, his employer and friend. In all of these relationships I have seen Sean tap into and demonstrate his inherent gifts of compassion, love, kindness, humility, strength, creativity, independence, foresight, patience, wisdom and equanimity. His ability and method for teaching Yoga is without a doubt caring, supportive and inspiring. His depth of understanding human nature and how to communicate feelings and psychological observations of circumstances and people to whoever he is with is truly heart warming. Sean has the gift of being a real human being; a remarkable man with the spiritual, mental and physical confidence to take on any job. Whoever commissions Sean to work for them, should feel exceptionally privileged. I know I would. -Hillary, Thailand